KMSO Contact Information:
For more information on Kincaid Mounds visit Illinois Department of Natural Resources:

For More Information on Attractions, Lodging, and Local Events
Greater Metropolis Convention and Visitors Bureau
KMSO Donations:
KMSO is accepting donations through PayPal for the maintenance of the Kincaid Mounds. Maintenance includes mowing of the interpretive area, reseeding of the mounds brush and weed removal, supplies and signage. The funds will also be used for educational programs such as our annual Archaeology Field Program the fourth Saturday of October. KMSO has funded the paving of the access road to the historic site and has a mile of gravel to pave, donations would go towards the oil and chip to finish the paving of New Cut Road. KMSO is a 501(c)(3) non for profit. PayPal will give you a receipt for your donation. If you need a verification of the donation for tax purposes, please request the non profit verification through our email address.